Thursday, July 17, 2008


When life gave us these...

We managed to make lemonade. (even if we had to search and search for the sugar)

And when we came to roads like this...

Together, we made it through.

And when they told us we were this...

Well, perhaps we were!!

But I wouldn't change a thing.

Because even with all the lemons, bumps, and craziness....

It really does just get better.

In highschool, our initials made us "the CSTM" -

And this system just doesn't break.

Love you Schultzy.

More than ever.

Happy Anniversary to us!


Andrea said...

OMGosh!!! Have you guys really been married for 15 years????? No way Tracy. It was just yesterday you were my Laurel President, time can't fly that just can't.
Wow!!! Congratulations to both of you.

Love ya,

The Ball Babies said...

You two are much too young to have made it to the big 1-5!!! Congratulations on this momentous occasion! Here's to many, many more!!! I hope you go out and CELEBRATE!

Have fun,
Kris :D

Topsy said...

Adorable. you two are adorable.

Steph said...

Congrats on 15! That's fantastic!! I would have Max come over to say congratulations, but I think Chip scares him. :) You're a great couple!!

Jody said...

Happy Anniversary! What did you do to celebrate?

(totally cute post, I thought I was reading a Hallmark card!)

Tracy said...

Thanks everyone! We had a wonderful time - There is a great hotel here in Boise that is in the same vicinity as the movie theaters and great resturaunts. We have always to go to dinner, walk to the movies, and then walk to the hotel, and stay the night. We finally did! It was perfect.

Tracy said...

By the way, ANDREA!! I was SO happy to hear from you! Please, please give me your e-mail address! Do you have a blog? It seems like something you would love to do!