Monday, December 24, 2007

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas...

They say it's been atleast 10 years since Boise has seen a white Christmas... we are crossing all fingers and toes that it stays!

cause it is just way too fun...

(I love to look at it... they love to play in it)

Let it snow!

Let it snow!

Let it snow!


Holly said...

i love the looking part too. dads and uncles are better at playing in it, in my opinion!

Topsy said...

Did you get a new camera! Those photos are awesome.

Anonymous said...

I share Holly's opinion. It does look beautiful! However.....
The kids do look like they are having a ball though. Good for them!!


Hugs and kisses,

Katie said...

Wow Tracy, that looks like a lot of fun! Glad that you all find pleasure in it...enjoy those things you call "seasons" :)

Libby said...

Great pics as always. Hope all is well, Tracy, you have been gone awhile!