Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Fun Family Times

Visits from California loved ones are always exciting, big news. They are the highlights of the kids year for sure! We just love those days spent with family we haven't seen in a long time. The days always fly by, so we try to make the very most of them!
Unfortunately, my pictures didn't turn out well, but I'll post what I did get.

Jack was a protective cousin, making sure Beck didn't become Gunner's chew toy!
This was my favorite day - Easter at the Makaafi's house. It was fantastic!

Between the big, bright blue eyes, green candy that looks like a boogar, and the drip of saliva on the chin..... this is a classic.

Uncle Chip trying to steal a kiss...

Such great buddies these two are!

Grandma had fun choosing a new shirt to match each grandchild's personality - they were part of the egg hunt this year. Oh how grateful I am to my mom who told the easter bunny not to worry about anything this year - mom, that was the best!!!

What do you think....who looks like who here?

This day however.....ugh. What the heck kind of weather was this at a baseball game?!? Ridiculous... but made for a great picture!! They were such troopers - smiling even though their cheeks were numb!

We are so glad Kelley will be having a baby in September cause we have a hunch we'll have visitors again! Double the excitement for September!

Surely the best part about living in Idaho are the visitors we often get - Only three short weeks till we get more!